Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Chef is Born

Breaking News! 

- Signe, never before seen in the kitchen, has now revealed to have superb cooking skills

Hi, I am the reporter Einge Sngstrand. Yesterday I arrived in Mödling Austria, to get an exclusive interview with Signe on her sudden change of heart when it came to cooking. 
Q: So Signe, I here from your family that prior to leaving the country, you were scarcely seen in the kitchen? The truth or are the exaggerating?
A: "No definitely the truth. The microwave was my best friend, and my brother he makes good fried eggs. When I was seen in the kitchen my family would call for a national holiday, or bring out the video camera! One time I was home alone, I made a fried egg and set the fire alarm off..."
Q: Really!?
A: "Yes, haha although I'm told that is hereditary. I'm not the first person to set of the fire alarm because of my cooking" She laughs for a moment before saying, "My dad often jokes around saying thats the dinner bell"

Q: So its not like you never cook, you just don't like to?
A: "Ya pretty much, but now cooking and I are getting along better"

Q: So prior to your little transformation, what could you cook?
A: "Mostly breakfast food, eggs, pancakes, I was the best pancake flipper ever! Toast, anything in the microwave, and pasta...." She pauses and thinks "yep thats about it"

Q: Now what can you cook?
A: "Ha, well i'm not a master chef yet but I've managed to get over my fear of cooking meat by starting with chicken. I season and pan fry it, its quick and easy to do which is nice cause my school day is soooooo looonnnngggg. I also can make a pretty great vegetable stir fry!"
Q: Anything else?
A: "Ahhh well" She laughs and looks a little embarassed "Nothing yet, I'm slowly working my way up to the cooking Olympic dishes like Creme Brulee, but right now we are still in training. Me and the thousands of recipes on Google.

Q: What inspired you to begin cooking?
A: "I was hungry I guess" Signe laughs and shrugs before continuing "Here in Austria the typically don't eat large meals in the evenings and I wasn't used to that. My host mom is home late so she can't cook for me, and I wasn't about to ask my 15 year old sister to make me dinner, so it was go hungry or man up and face the stove I guess"

Q: Where do you usually buy your ingrediants?
A: "Thats easy, my flat is literally on top of a Billa grocery store. All the cashier ladies know who I am haha. Its super nice cause if I forget something, all I have to do is walk downstairs!"

Q: What was the last meal you cooked?
A: "Tonights dinner. I pan fried a couple of chicken breasts. First I marinated them with lemon juice and thyme. My spice knowledge is low so I either throw something on that sounds familiar and hope for the best. I heated olive oil in a pan with some finely chopped onions, and then fried away. Before I made the chicken I made a simple guacamole. Avocado  onions, garlic, tomatoes, and lemon juice because we didn't have lime and Billa was closed. I let that sit in the fridge while I fried the chicken so it would get nice and tasty! As a nice side salad I chopped up some cucumbers and tomatoes and sautéed them with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Classic taste. I ate the guacamole on the chicken as a sort of sauce I guess. It was really good. My host sister loved it, said she had a foodgasm haha. I guess the reason I never cooked before is because I didn't really have to and I was always scared it wouldn't taste good! So I'm really glad she like it!"
Q: Sounds delicious! Well looks like we have time for only one more question!
A: "Ask away!"

Q: Now that you found that you enjoy cooking, do you think you will continue with it when you return to the U.S.?
A: She pauses for a moment and thinks, "Hmm I'm sure i'll continue cooking, but cooking for two brothers that eat about a chicken each is a lot different then frying a couple chicken breasts." She laughs and says "Maybe i'll make the appetizers!"
Q: Sounds good to me! Well thank you for your time, and I hope I'll get to taste a dish of yours in the future!
A: Your welcome! And yes, if I open a restaurant I'll be sure you to send you a ticket" She pauses and then laughs while saying "What am I thinking restaurants don't have tickets!"
Q: Haha I got what you meant! Well folks, its been great talking with Signe here on the foodnetwork, but we are out of time! Until next Tuesday folks!


  1. now i know who to ask for a snack

    1. Woah hold it. As little brother you still remain the snack getter. Sorry ;)

  2. Wow,:-D���������������� this post was the most fun yet! Really exciting to dream of having a buddy in the kitchen... Planning meals, perusing recipes together...

    1. The difference between you and Are's reactions make me laugh

  3. Awkward, the smiley symbols show up on here like blank squares!
