Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Can we really know another person?

Theory of Knowledge Journal 4

I opened up the document to work on my TOK essay this morning and I stared at the quote, and I had a ton of ideas but I didn't know where to start. So I closed the document and just thought for a bit. And this is what came to mind.
The quote that I am supposed to discuss in my paper is "We see and understand things not as they are but as we are” I agree with this, but the fact that I agree with this suddenly scared me because, I suddenly felt as if it is impossible for me to know anyone. If I understand the world not as it is, but as I am then I am not understanding other people as they are, but as how they are in relation to me. So how can I really know them? I can't. But at the same time, I would not be the same person if I wasn't friends with the people in my life. They have an influence on how I see the world. They change me, yet they don't change by changing me. Therefore I still see the world as I am. That means knowing a person is making their knowledge also your own, but their opinions you will never fully understand. Say a I meet someone for the first time. I find out that they are avid lovers of a book series I have never heard of. They suggest the books to me and so I read them. I don't like the books. I know they like the books, they told me they did. I now know what the books are about, but I don't like them. I see the books the way I am. They gave me the knowledge about the books, they gave me their opinion of the books, but yet I still see them differently. I guess the best we can do to really know someone is try to understand their opinion through our own lens. Thats the best we can do I think.

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