Wednesday, February 13, 2013

50 Shades of Hotdog (I went there)

Some of you may know that I was in France two years ago for a couple weeks in the summer. There I ran into my first foreign hotdog, and today I stumbled upon another one. Lets take a look at the types of hotdogs, starting closest to home and working our way out.

Usually in my Freezer:
usually paired with....


New York:

 It was in the Tuileries Gardens that I stumbled upon these monsters of hot dogs, unfortunately I had just ate a sandwich and was too full to try it.

However this kind sir kindly modeled for me, and although I didn't eat it, I was able to take a nice touristy picture!

Sorry about the blurry photo, I was walking, eating, and taking a photo. 
So this is the Vienna hotdog. As you may or may not be able to tell, the "bun" is a baguette that is hollow. They squirt the ketchup and mustard inside first, then put in the hotdog, and then top it off with the top of the baguette like a lid. This is a very convenient type of bun because when you are walking and eating you don't get ketchup and mustard all over your hands.
However our friend gravity causes a little problem. All of the ketchup and mustard tends to slide to the bottom, leaving you with condiment soup and no hotdog for the last inch or so of bun. This might sound unappetizing but when you are an American teenager living in Vienna starving after a long long day of school, you eat it all.

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